Questions for Reflection: Useful Prompts For Teachers

In my work as a trainer, coach and consultant in education, I have been having lots of conversations recently about the value of reflecting on planning and practice throughout our teaching careers. I have found that questions can be helpful to nudge the thinking into different areas that we might not have explored without that tool, so here are some prompts for thinking about a recent session with learners. I hope that Advanced Practitioners and TLA Coaches will feel free to adapt these for 1:1 or group coaching sessions that they might be running as well.

  1. How did different learners react to the session? For example, think about stronger, quieter, more confident and less confident learners
  2. What might specific learners say to me if I asked them about that session?
  3. What surprised me about learners’ responses today?
  4. What did I notice about the quality of learners’ attention and focus in that session?
  5. What was I pleased with or encouraged by today?
  6. What worked particularly well in that session? (group interaction, teacher presentation, activities, resources, pacing, sequencing etc) How do I know?
  7. How did the space and room layout affect the learning experience in that session?
  8. How did technology or other classroom aids support the learning process in that session? How could they have been even more useful?
  9. Was there anything missing from that session that I could have included, to make it even more useful for learners?
  10. What was the highlight of that session for learners and what showed me that? And for me?
  11. How well did I engage learners and even inspire them in this session? What indicated that?
  12. What were the most challenging parts of that session for different learners and what showed me that?
  13. Where were the glitches or challenges for me in that session? What can I take away as next steps for my planning or practice?
  14. If I had to give myself some constructive feedback on that session, what would I say?
  15. Next time I cover that material, what tweaks will I make? And what could I do very differently?
  16. What needs consolidating or recapping now and how can I encourage learners to do that?
  17. How can I follow up that session to take the learning further?
  18. How effectively did my planning and preparation support and stretch learners in that session?
  19. How can I plan and prepare even more effectively for this group in future?
  20. What are my two main take away points from that session?
This entry was posted in Advanced Practitioners, Coaching, CPD for Teachers, FE, Lesson planning, Planning for Learning, reflection, Teaching and learning and tagged , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

2 Responses to Questions for Reflection: Useful Prompts For Teachers

  1. Penny Petch says:

    Thank you Jo – this is really helpful

  2. Helen Lee says:

    These are really useful, will use them with my ECT in our PLC catch ups.

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